🍎 Education Portfolio
I’m interested in all things computer science, education, and computer science education! Here’s some of my work and experience in that area.
- Teaching Statistics, at a glance
- CS 194-271 Research in AI Education
- Research Assistant at Algorithms and Computing for Education (ACE) Lab
- Head Teaching Assistant for DATA 101 at UC Berkeley
- Software Developer for Seamless Learning Project
- Head Teaching Assistant for CS 88 at UC Berkeley
- Teaching Assistant for CS 88 at UC Berkeley
- Tutor for CS 88 at UC Berkeley
- Coordinator for Computer Science Mentors (CSM)
- CalTeach Program
- CS 61A Exam Advice
- Academic Intern for CS 61A
- CS 61B: RTFM, Defensive Programming, and Debugging
- Code 4 Tomorrow (C4T)
- FTC 9656 Omega Robotics: Learn Code
Teaching Statistics, at a glance
Ed Statistics
Ed is the official course Q&A forum used by UC Berkeley courses. As a TA, I love responding to student questions over Ed. Here is a summary of my Ed stats:
Course | Semester | Answers | Comments |
DATA 101 | Fall 2024 | 168+ | 437+ |
CS 88 | Spring 2024 | 338 (top answerer) | 570 (top commenter) |
CS 88 | Fall 2023 | 215 (top answerer) | 497 (top commenter) |
CS 88 | Spring 2023 | 98 (#4 answerer) | 121 (#4 commenter) |
Course Evaluations
Every semester, students have the option to fill out a course evaluation form to give feedback on their TAs. Here are some statistics on the evaluations I have received. All scores are on a scale from 0 (worst) to 7 (best).
CS 88 (Spring 2024)
84.73% response rate (n = 383)
Question | My Mean Score | Department Mean Score |
The GSI’s instructional activities, contributions, and/or feedback enhanced my learning. | 6.6 | 6.1 |
The GSI created an environment in which I could feel included (for example, encouraged multiple voices/perspectives, welcomed questions and critiques, responded to student feedback). | 6.64 | 6.17 |
The instructor presented content in an organized manner. | 6.67 | 6.05 |
The instructor developed my abilities and skills for the subject. | 6.65 | 6.01 |
The instructor explained concepts clearly. | 6.61 | 5.98 |
The instructor encouraged student questions. | 6.7 | 6.06 |
I would recommend this instructor to others. | 6.69 | 6 |
Considering both the limitations and possibilities of the subject matter and the course, how would you rate the overall effectiveness of this graduate student instructor? | 6.65 | 6.13 |
CS 88 (Fall 2023)
76.29% response rate (n = 354)
Question | My Mean Score | Department Mean Score |
The GSI’s instructional activities, contributions, and/or feedback enhanced my learning. | 6.42 | 5.95 |
The GSI created an environment in which I could feel included (for example, encouraged multiple voices/perspectives, welcomed questions and critiques, responded to student feedback). | 6.52 | 6.04 |
The instructor presented content in an organized manner. | 6.36 | 5.98 |
The instructor developed my abilities and skills for the subject. | 6.51 | 5.95 |
The instructor explained concepts clearly. | 6.34 | 5.92 |
The instructor encouraged student questions. | 6.45 | 6.04 |
I would recommend this instructor to others. | 6.27 | 5.93 |
Considering both the limitations and possibilities of the subject matter and the course, how would you rate the overall effectiveness of this graduate student instructor? | 6.48 | 6.03 |
CS 194-271 Research in AI Education
Aug 2024 - Dec 2024 | Berkeley, CA
- Worked on a project (advised by Professors Gireeja Ranade and Narges Norouzi) that uses LLMs to automatically classify large problem banks by topic, saving time for TAs and potentially helping students find problems to study.
- Next semester (Spring 2025), I intend to take a seminar course with the instructors to submit our project to the Educational Data Mining 2025 research conference.
Research Assistant at Algorithms and Computing for Education (ACE) Lab
Jun 2024 - Present | Berkeley, CA
- Analyzed survey responses, journal entries, interviews, and classroom observations for undergraduate teaching assistants who took DATA 375 (a pedagogy course for first-time TAs at UC Berkeley) to investigate the relationship between teaching identity, teaching goals, and teaching practices
- Poster accepted to SIGCSE TS 2025 (Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education)
- Research advisor: Professor Lisa Yan, UC Berkeley Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Head Teaching Assistant for DATA 101 at UC Berkeley
Aug 2024 - Dec 2024 | Berkeley, CA
- Created and updated projects and homework assignments, taught 2 weekly discussion sections, held office hours, and graded exams for DATA 101: Data Engineering (aka INFO 258)
Software Developer for Seamless Learning Project
Jun 2024 | Berkeley, CA
- Created a template website for UC Berkeley’s computing, data science, and statistics courses that reduces setup and maintenance overhead for teaching assistants
- Implemented linting and web accessibility checks in continuous integration workflows through GitHub Actions
- Presentation slides
Head Teaching Assistant for CS 88 at UC Berkeley
Jan 2024 - May 2024 | Berkeley, CA
- Managed 12 other course staff members and organized course logistics for 450+ students
- Created onboarding process and training session for new TAs
- Implemented new Gradescope autograder that could check if the student submitted the correct code for lab attendance
- Delivered guest lecture on linked lists
- Wrote documentation on how to run exam logistics and how to write a good exam problem
- Taught weekly discussion and lab sections and held office hours
Teaching Assistant for CS 88 at UC Berkeley
Aug 2023 - Dec 2023 | Berkeley, CA
- Taught weekly discussion and lab sections, held office hours, and wrote exam questions for CS 88: Computational Structures in Data Science (aka DATA C88C)
Tutor for CS 88 at UC Berkeley
Jan 2023 - May 2023 | Berkeley, CA
- DATA C88C course website: Computational Structures in Data Science
- In the top 3 answerers, top 4 commenters, and top 2 endorsed users on Ed, an online forum used by students and staff to ask and answer questions (Ed is used quite frequently: there are about 1000 question threads in total)
- Taught weekly review sessions going over the previous week’s content
- Held 4 hours of office hours every week
- Topics include Python, higher order functions, lists, dictionaries, recursion, trees, linked lists, object-oriented programming, exceptions, efficiency, iterators, generators, and SQL
Coordinator for Computer Science Mentors (CSM)
Jan 2022 - Present | Berkeley, CA
CSM is a club on the UC Berkeley campus that organizes supplemental tutoring sections for lower division computer science and EECS courses. Currently, I’m serving as CS 88 Coordinator (Spring 2023 - Present), where I am:
- Managing 30+ weekly tutoring sections
- Hosting exam review sessions
- Reviewing weekly teaching materials (worksheets and slideshows)
- Interviewing prospective senior mentors
Previously, as a CS 88 Senior Mentor (Fall 2022) and Junior Mentor (Spring 2022), I:
- Taught weekly tutoring sections
- Topics covered in CS 88 include Python, control, loops, higher order functions, lists, dictionaries, recursion, trees, linked lists, object-oriented programming, exceptions, efficiency, iterators, generators, and SQL
- Trained and provided pedagogical feedback to Junior Mentors
- Reviewed and revised CSM content (e.g. worksheets, slideshows, etc.)
- Created walkthrough videos for past exam questions
Learn more about CSM
CalTeach Program
Jan 2022 - Dec 2022 | Berkeley, CA & Hayward, CA
CalTeach is a program offered at UC Berkeley for undergraduate STEM majors interested in education. Specifically, CalTeach students can pursue a minor or teaching credential (concurrently with their Bachelor’s degree). CalTeach courses teach pedagogical skills and offer students the opportunity to be placed in a local K-12 classroom to observe and practice teaching.
As a CalTeach student, I’ve learned:
- How students learn
- How to write lesson plans and assessments
- How to guide students toward solutions
- How to analyze problems from a pedagogical perspective
- How to help students overcome barriers they may face in their education
I also gained practical teaching experience through my field placements:
- For my EDSTEM 82 field placement, I provided 1-on-1 virtual tutoring for a 4th grade student during the Spring 2022 semester
- For my EDUC 130 field placement, I assisted a high school Precalculus teacher in Hayward, CA during the Fall 2022 semester
Learn more about CalTeach
CS 61A Exam Advice
Oct 2022 | Berkeley, CA
Check out my blog post with advice on how to approach CS 61A exams!
Academic Intern for CS 61A
Jan 2022 - May 2022 | Berkeley, CA
- Answered student questions during weekly lab sections for CS 61A: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
- Topics covered include Python, control, loops, higher order functions, lists, dictionaries, recursion, trees, linked lists, object-oriented programming, exceptions, efficiency, iterators, generators, SQL, Scheme, interpreters, regular expressions, and Backus-Naur Form
CS 61B: RTFM, Defensive Programming, and Debugging
Jan - May 2022 | Berkeley, CA
As part of a CS 61B Data Structures study group, I realized there were many practical software engineering skills that CS 61B does not have time to teach its students, but would be extremely helpful to know. To fill in this gap, I created a slideshow presentation called RTFM, Defensive Programming, & Debugging, which I presented to my study group.
After finalizing the presentation, I realized that it would probably be helpful to all 61B students, so I posted it on Piazza (where it was endorsed by an instructor) and on the unofficial CS 61B Spring 2022 Discord server.
Code 4 Tomorrow (C4T)
Apr 2020 - Mar 2021 | Remote
- At C4T, I started out as a curriculum developer for Python, Java, and Web Development courses, which you can find here.
- Then I became a Python instructor. I taught both the Beginner and Advanced courses we offer.
- Finally, I became Vice President where I oversaw all of C4T’s operations, including 130+ volunteers and 180+ free virtual coding classes, reaching 1100+ students.
Learn more about Code 4 Tomorrow
FTC 9656 Omega Robotics: Learn Code
Aug 2018 – Feb 2021 | San Jose, CA
When I became Co-Captain of my high school robotics team, I made it my personal mission to ensure that technical and non-technical skills were passed down to new members, since I did not receive any training when I first joined.
This effort culminated in a website I created called Learn Code which teaches introductory Java, bash, Git, and GitHub. It is essentially an online textbook, but uses straightforward language to make CS more accessible. I also created Google Form quizzes, coding problems, and solutions for students to practice. The website was also shared with the larger FIRST Tech Challenge community on the corresponding Discord server, which had over 6,000 members when I shared it.