
According to Wikipedia, "encryption is the process of encoding a message or information in such a way that only authorized parties can access it and those who are not authorized cannot."

Essentially, that's a fancy way to say that it takes data from the user and turns it into a code that can't be deciphered without an encryption key. That way, even if a hacker breaks into your device (such as your phone or laptop) they won't have access to your information because it's encoded.

You've probably used encrypted devices without even knowing it!

Types of Encryption Algorithms

Try it out!

Enter some text below, and we'll encode it in a Caesar cipher, where every letter or number is shifted by a certain amount.

For example, if I wanted to "encrypt" the string "abcd" and shift it by 1 letter, the encoded string would be "bcde."

The Caesar cipher is an extremely simple way to encode something, but real-life encryption is much harder to crack using brute force which makes it secure! It can also encode characters such as numbers and symbols.

Special Thanks to Git user EvanHahn for providing the framework for the Caesar Cipher code.